Our Transit Watch program is generously
supported by a grant from the City of Surrey

While the formal Transit Watch Program introduced in 2015 has been discontinued as a result of funding cuts, Surrey Crime Prevention Society is committed to public safety and has included transit hubs in the regular operation of the Community Safety Tour Program with volunteers touring areas around transit locations. They continue to observe and report on a variety of issues that require a response from emergency services and other community agencies. These areas include but not limited to:
King George, Gateway
Central City
Scott Road (including parking lots in and around these stations)
Newton bus loop
South Surrey Bus Loop
Volunteers do not go into paid zones.
Volunteers support this program on foot tours, in vehicles and on bikes while .
observing, recording and reporting all suspicious activity to the various community partners. This program runs out of the Surrey Crime Prevention Society Head Office.
If you are travelling on the transit system and need to report suspicious activity you can discreetly text 87-7777 to the Transit Police.