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Our Youth Mentorship program is generously

supported by a grant from the City of Surrey 

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Surrey Crime Prevention Society Youth Mentor
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Supported through a generous grant from the Vancouver TELUS Community Board:


The Surrey Community Safety Youth Mentorship Program was introduced in 2013 to support the needs of vulnerable youth through partnerships with community partners in Surrey. 


In 2019, with the generous donations from Mrs. Elaine Godwin, the Telus Vancouver Community Board and sponsorship from Envision Financial we are able to continue to support youth in our community.


Currently, there are limited opportunities for vulnerable youth to receive support. Our mentorship program supports vulnerable youth between the ages of 12 and 18. As these youth are vulnerable and at a higher risk of being recruited to groups exposing them to significant danger, this program provides mentorship from trained SCPS volunteers and offers important life skills providing an alternative to mentees who may otherwise be influenced into less desirable activities.


The Surrey Community Safety Youth Mentorship Program is a minimum twelve (12) week program that focuses on the delivery of leadership and mentorship training between SCPS Mentors and Mentees. The outcome of this initiative is to foster a Mentor-Mentee relationship thereby increasing awareness and volunteerism in programs delivered by SCPS.


The Mentor and Mentee will develop a mutually-compatible schedule, outlining their availability to participate in SCPS Programs.


Over the span of twelve (12) weeks, Mentors and Mentees will meet for a minimum of four (4) hours every two (2) weeks, participating in the following SCPS programs:


  • Traffic Safety

  • Community Safety Tours: 4 locations

  • Community Enhancement

  • Special Events and Special Projects



Mentor: I have been a volunteer with the Surrey Crime Prevention Society since November, 2014. I have had the pleasure of participating in the Community Safety Youth & Mentorship Program and continue to this day. I work one on one with a mentee on a weekly basis and I have been able to guide the mentee and provide them with useful resources to develop a concrete plan for their future. I have also benefited from this program and I have continued to learn and grow as a mentor each week. I really look forward to my time in this program and I strongly recommend the continuation of it.


Mentee: During my time with Surrey Crime Prevention Society I have been working with my mentor, I have only had positive experiences. I enjoy working with my mentor because we have a lot in common and we think alike. He has helped me to get into programs like the RCMP Youth Academy, and we are working on my application to the Law Enforcement Studies Program at The Justice Institute of British Columbia. Overall, I truly enjoy helping to ensure the safety of the community. My perspective has changed a lot after being in this program from the way I view and handle situations, conduct myself, and has encouraged me to apply these principles to my daily life. Thank you for your support.


Mentee: I feel that my experience in the mentorship program was welcoming where I had heart touching conversations. This helped me mentally. Since being in this program, I look at life differently. I am a more positive person who makes better choices. I feel I am also a better before than before. My mentor is an open guy, who I can talk to about personal things. He understands me and gives me the best advice. He wants me to do good in life. From the mentorship program I have learned not to hang out with the wrong people. I loved coming in because I had an awesome mentor, who understands me and we had the best conversations.


Mentee: I have had a positive experience the Community Safety Youth Leadership and Mentorship program. Since I have been part of this program, I have changed how I dress. I would say I dress better now than I did before- no more sagging pants. My attitude is also better now. I approach individuals in a nicer way and without attitude. I enjoy working with my mentor. He is a nice guy and has been fun to work with. He gives me positive advice about what kind of people I should not hang out and activities that are not a good idea. Since I have been working with him I have changed my group of friends and have limited hanging out with everyone.
I like going out for the Speed Watch Program. I have seen that a lot of individuals don’t follow traffic rules. Before, I would not care about my speed but now I slow down and do 30 km in school zones. Also, I have schedule for myself now and wake up early so I can make better use of my day. Before this I use to sleep in all day. I am going to keep coming in for this program because I want to know more about Surrey Crime Prevention Society and I like working with the people that work and volunteer here.




Surrey Crime Prevention Society events

The Mentor and Mentee will attend an in-house training session where they will receive a review of policies, procedures and expectations. Throughout the twelve (12) week program, both the Mentors and Mentees will have the opportunity to provide feedback and participate in program evaluations. This provides SCPS the opportunity to assess the program at its various stages and make changes accordingly.


For more information contact or call



Phone:   604.502.8555

#15 12484 82nd Avenue
Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
V3W 3E9

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Acknowledging with respect that it is an honour to live & work in the traditional territories of the Semiahmoo, Katzie, Kwikwetlem, Kwantlen, Qayqayt and Tswawwassen First Nations.


© 2023 by Surrey Crime Prevention Society. Web Design by  Pivotal Concepts Design Studio.


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